Document 1878 DOCN M94A1878 TI NAP management in Suriname. DT 9412 AU del Prado RF SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):430 (abstract no. PD0328). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370697 AB Plenty has been written and said about the importance of effective AIDS program management. Likewise, the Global Program on AIDS has developed an excellent twelve-manual management course, which will be conducted in different regions of the globe. This course aims at national commitment and agreement on AIDS prevention and control efforts. The Surinamese National AIDS Program will present its unconventional formula for the management of its Government's National AIDS Program during this Xth International Conference on AIDS. Its central management coordinates HIV testing with pre- and post test counseling; offers social support on site; oversees epidemiological surveillance of HIV/AIDS and STD; has its own unit for information, education and communication; houses the National Reference Laboratory for HIV screening and confirmation; operates an 'AIDS Hotline'; coordinates HIV/AIDS research; acts as N.G.O. liaison for foundations with HIV and AIDS related responsibilities; and accommodates a multi sectoral AIDS Committee with broad public, private and public health representation, including a classification sub-committee. Based on guidelines from the Ministry of Health and W.H.O., the N.A.P. has, over the past six years, acted as an important catalyst for the emergence of nationwide community efforts to curb a further spread of HIV, and to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS in this interesting South American nation. Unlike many developing countries, the Suriname National AIDS Program receives exceptional support for its efforts of HIV prevention and impact reduction, from the different religious denominations in the country. Its successful programs include a Female Commercial Sex Workers Project, an Adolescent Peer Education Program and a Prison Project. It has accomplished the incorporation of HIV/STD education in the school curricula, and has incited the integration of STD services in Suriname's primary health care. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/*PREVENTION & CONTROL Health Policy Human Suriname MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).